Venue & Social events

LaBRI - Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
351, cours de la Libération
F-33405 Talence cedex, France

LaBRI coordinates are (44.8084, -0.596805) or (44°48.504' N, 0°35.808' W) or (44°48'30.24" N, 0°35'48.50" W).

A map with the main stops of line B of the tramway and buses near the LaBRI.
You can also consult the Dynamic plan of Transports Bordeaux Métropole (TBM).

The reception desk will be in LaBRI building (A30).

The talks will take place in the amphitheater (050) of the LaBRI.

The coffee breaks will be in room 076, on the ground floor of the LaBRI, in front of the amphitheater.

Lunches will be served in the Restaurant Crous du Haut-Carré, a few minutes walk from the LaBRI (click the [+] button twice on the map and search the logo with the cutlery above the location of LaBRI and left to "Agora").

Wifi at LaBRI: eduroam is broadcasted by the LaBRI.



 The social events will take place on Wednesday late afternoon and evening, June 26, 2024.

A map with TBM stops near the social events:
TBM near social events
You can also consult the Dynamic plan of Transports Bordeaux Métropole (TBM).

« Cité du Vin » (Bordeaux Wine City) (Esplanade de Pontac, 134 Quai de Bacalan, 33300 Bordeaux) from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

This place is directly accessible from Talence using Tram line B, stop « La Cité du Vin ».

Three ways to get from « Cité du Vin » to « Le Café du Port » (see on OpenStreetMap):
• 46 minutes walk, either west side (urban) or east side (parks) of the river
• by Tram B followed by Tram A, change at « Hôtel de Ville » (Town Hall): 8 min walk, Tram B, 1 min walk, Tram A, 2 min walk
by Bus 25 from "La cité du Vin (Bordeaux)" (in the direction of "La Belle Etoile (Bouliac)") to "Stalingrad": 9 min walk, Bus 25, 1 min walk
• by boat « Batcub 3 » from "La cité du Vin" to "Quinconces (Jean Jaurès)": 1 min walk, BAT3, 13 min walk

Restaurant « Le Café du Port » (1-2 Quai Deschamps, 33100 Bordeaux) from 8 p.m.
It is a 5 minutes walk from Tram line A stop « Stalingrad ».


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